Be My Guest Worker(dir. Sanhah Lee) won Ok Rang AwardBanpark Jieun2023년 9월 4일1분 분량Be My Guest Worker won Ok Rang Award at the 25th Seoul International Women's Film Festival.Director: Sanhah LeeProducer: Jieun Banpark / Su-Jin Song손님노동자가 25회 서울국제여성영화제 피치앤캐치에서 옥랑문화상을 수상하였습니다.감독: 이산하프로듀서: 반박지은 / Su-Jin Song
Be My Guest Worker won Ok Rang Award at the 25th Seoul International Women's Film Festival.Director: Sanhah LeeProducer: Jieun Banpark / Su-Jin Song손님노동자가 25회 서울국제여성영화제 피치앤캐치에서 옥랑문화상을 수상하였습니다.감독: 이산하프로듀서: 반박지은 / Su-Jin Song